"The name on the front is more important than the name on the back."
Truer words have never been spoken. Unfortunately, coming up with a team name is difficult, especially for softball. The team name has to be clever, thought-provoking, and good enough to make opposing teams envious. The Bat Experts at JustBats has scoured the interwebs, asked players, and created our own to complete a list of the best softball team names.
*Given the nature of recreational softball leagues, some of these team names may not be suitable for youth teams
These names are in alphabetical order. Even if none fit your team's personality, maybe they'll inspire a great team name. If that's the case, let us know the name in the comments section.
Softball Team Names
- A Team
- Abusement Park
- Ally Oops
- Backdoor Sliders
- Balls And Strikes
- Banshees
- Base Desires
- Bat Intentions
- Base Invaders
- Bat-itude
- Bat Rage
- Batters Up!
- Beer View Mirrors
- Benchwarmers
- Bomb Squad
- Breaking Balls
- Brew Crew
- Catchers In The Rye
- Caught Looking
- Cereal Killers
- Designated Hitters
- Diamond Girls
- Dirt Eaters
- Dirty Divas
- Divas
- Divas, Achievas, and Believas
- Dream Killers
- Dugouts
- Elite 9
- Fire Breathing Kittens
- Free Agents
- Fungo Nation
- Game Changers
- Glove Love
- Gold Gloves
- Grass Hoppers
- Grim Reapers
- Head Hunters
- Heavy Hitters
- Helmethead Heroes
- Help Wanted
- Hit For Brains
- Hitmen
- Hit Squad
- Home Run Hitters
- Hustlers
- Icebreakers
- Ice Cold Pitchers
- Intimidators
- Know Nothings
- Line Drivers
- Living Legends
- Lost Boys
- Mad Monsters
- Mall Rats
- Master Minds
- Minimum Wagers
- Misfits
- Miracle Workers
- Nine Inch Males
- Oddballs
- Off Base Ballers
- One Hit Wonders
- Outkasters
- Pancake Batters
- Ponytail Express
- Power Outage
- Practice Makes Perfect
- Prodigies
- Queen Bees
- Saved By The Balls
- Scared Hitless
- Scoring Is The Least Of Our Problems
- Screwballs
- Scrubs
- Silent Assassins
- Smokin' Aces
- Smooth Operators
- Softball Sluggers
- Softies
- Soft Serves
- Sons of Pitches
- Super Heroes In Training
- Sweet Spot
- Swingers
- Swingin' Singles
- Tailgaters
- Team Name
- Thundercats
- Triple Threats
- Umpire Strikes Back
- Uncommonly Good
- Unknown Entity
- Untouchables
- Victorious Secret
- Wahoos
- Weakened Warriors
- Where My Pitches At?
- Wild Stallions
- Wolfpack
- Wrangler Stampede
- Wrecking Crew
- Yager Bombers
Which team names did we miss? What's the best softball team name you've ever heard? Give JustBats a follow on your favorite social media network and let us know! Meanwhile, if you ever have any questions about softball bats, give our Bat Experts a call at (866) 321-2287, shoot them an email at experts@justbats.com, or click here to live chat! We'd love to help you find your next fastpitch bat or slow pitch bat. Remember, we're JustBats, and we'll be here for you from Click to Hit!