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Yes, JustBats.com will price match a competitor's listed price!
To do so, we verify some information. If you see an item listed at a lower price elsewhere, this is all we require:
We must verify that the website you want to price match is legitimate and an authorized dealer of the products they sell.
We must confirm that the competitor has the same size and product in stock and ready to ship. If the same size and product is out of stock on the competitor's website, we are unable to match their price.
We must confirm if the competitor charges sales tax and/or shipping fees since these are added to the final price of the product.
Lastly, our Bat Experts must check on the cost we pay to stock the item from the manufacturer. The price match must cover that manufacturer cost for the item.
We have the final decision for matching an online price.
Did you purchase a product from us, but noticed that it is now at a lower price? Please let us know, and we will honor our lowest price within the past 30 days by issuing a refund for the price difference or adjusting the price for you over the phone.
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JustGloves Trusted Glove Prep Service
We Prep - You Break In - Then Break Out
You spoke and we listened. Introducing JustGloves Trusted Glove Prep! Now, you can choose for us to soften your new glove for a quicker break-in process. We will not be fully breaking in the glove, but instead using a series of mindful actions specifically geared to your exact glove. As a result, the leather will arrive more supple and allow for a much easier break-in process upon arrival.
The Process
With care, your glove is placed into a manufacturer-approved steaming chamber and monitored closely. Through the combination of heat and steam, the leather softens.
Our team of Glove Experts then applies a thin layer of specialized glove conditioner to the outside of your glove. As the moisture evaporates from the leather of the glove, the conditioner is absorbed and helps moisturize the leather fibers and prevent them from drying out.
Glove Break-In Machine
The final step in our glove prepping process takes advantage of our certified glove softening machine. The machine pounds the glove right on the key break points and should help make the glove arrive soft for you so that you can complete the break in!
Softens Any Glove For Quicker Break-In For The Player
Series Of Mindful Actions Specifically Geared To Each Glove
Results In More Supple Leather
Our Glove Technicians Never Put Their Hand Into The Glove - Allows YOUR Glove To Break In To YOUR Hand