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Baseball bats and softball bats in Hatfield, Pennsylvania

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Hatfield, Pennsylvania

What others near Hatfield, Pennsylvania are saying about

"Customer service is second to none. I bought a new bat for my 13yo. daughter and in the first few weeks she was able to put a nice size dent in it. The bat was covered under the manufactures warranty so I wasn't worried about getting it replaced. I wasn't sure how to go about sending the bat back to the manufacturer so I emailed JustBats customer service for help about the return. I was sitting at the computer looking at the dent when the phone rang. Thinking nothing of it, I answered the phone and to my amazment it was Brett from JustBats calling me with help for making the return. I was shocked and surprised that within 2 minutes after hitting the send button to customer service, I was talking to them on the phone. How can you beat that? I have since been in contact with the manufacturer and the return is being handled. JustBats has by far the best customer service around. I will be doing business with this company for all long time to come."

- Bryan, Hatfield, Pennsylvania

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4.9 Star Rating, Google Customer Reviews
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